Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
The Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture(PGIA), Univesity of Peradeniya
Browsing by Author Gunarathna, H.A.Y.R.
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 | 2010 | Evaluation of reactivity and inhibitions in developing municipal soild waste landfill bioreactors for tropical climate conditions | Gunarathna, H.A.Y.R.; Karunarathne, S.A.; Basnayake, B.F.A.; Sangeetha, T.; Galagedera, L.W. |
 | 2010 | Evaluation of the suitability of a composite liner system for designing a landfill bioreactor on confined bedrock at sammanthurai in Sri Lanka | Thivyatharsan, R.; Gunarathna, H.A.Y.R.; Basnayake, B.F.A.; Galagedara, L.W.; Kuruparan, P. |