Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
The Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture(PGIA), Univesity of Peradeniya
Browsing by Author Thenabadu, M.W.
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 | 1989 | Changes of potassium reserves in an alfisol under irrigated paddy at different potassium and nitrogen levels | Liyanage, N.J.; Keerthisinghe, G.; Jayakody, A.N.; Thenabadu, M.W. |
 | 1998 | Effects of sub-soiling on soil physical properties and root distribution in sugarcane | Bodhinayake, W.I.; Thenabadu, M.W.; Somapala, H.; Dharmawardene, N. |
 | 1991 | An investigation on phosphate adsorption in six Sri Lankan soils in relation to their chemical and mineralogical properties | Jayawickrama, S.P.; Thenabadu, M.W.; Kumaragamage, D. |